Saturday, May 12, 2007

Our Blessed Mother Mary and Motherhood

How can the Virgin Mother of God, the first disciple, a member of the Holy Family, and the Mother of the Church also be my mother? How does the Blessed Mother’s life affect mine? How can a simple mother like me aspire to imitate such an amazing mother?

When we think about Mary, we may recall instances in her life that we have learned which illustrate her gentleness, humility, holiness, and her selflessness. Images from our Catholic tradition and what we have learned from Scripture may come to mind. We are reminded of Mary as a little faithful Jewish girl praying with her people in Palestine for the coming of the Messiah, fulfilling God’s promises. Mary also prayed for the restoration of Jerusalem as the gathering place of the chosen people. Mary was familiar with Isaiah’s words that a virgin would conceive and bear a child called Immanuel-“God with us.” Throughout her faithful prayers, however, Mary never imagined that she would be that virgin...

Click here to read my article, "Our Blessed Mother Mary and Motherhood" at Catholic Mom.Com

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