Last week I left for Chicago as I have posted earlier, to attend the RBTE (Religious Booksellers Trade Exhibit). Over 300 book store buyers come from all over the world to get copies of the displayed books at the HUGE event. It was a very nice experience and then I was whisked off to the next hotel to be closer to the airport since I had to catch a very early flight to Birmingham, Alabama to be taped on some EWTN television shows.
As many of you already are aware, I was one of 260 delegates from around the world to participate in an international women's congress in Rome earlier this year. I felt very honored and humbled to be able to be part of a group of women (and a few good men) to "go up to the mountain" to listen, study, reflect, and pray together on the Apostolic Letter,
Mulieris Dignitatem/On The Dignity and Vocation of Women penned by our dear Pope John Paul II twenty years ago. The Pontifical Council for the Laity invited the delegates to come together from five continents and about 46 countries to listen to presenters, Biblical scholars, theologians and women from various parts of the world presenting the issues that they face as women in their countries. We heard some incredible stories and shared an amazing and intense three days together--a history-making event that I am sure will be etched in my memory. The profundity of the experience is still sinking in with me.

(In this photo, I am presenting my books to Cardinal Rylko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity as "Catholic Connection" radio host and author, Teresa Tomeo looks on)
Because of this Vatican experience, EWTN arranged with TV host, Colleen Carroll Campbell to conduct a four part series of round table discussions about women and the culture on Colleen's show "Faith & Culture." I was honored to be among these women who comprised the series: Author, and host--the lovely and very accommodating Colleen Carroll Campbell, author, Genevieve Kineke, author, Dale O'Leary, Notre Dame University's Elizabeth Kirk, and "Catholic Connection" radio host and author, Teresa Tomeo. We hope that the shows will be enlightening, informative and may spark an interest in viewers to read and reflect upon the Apostolic Letter,
Mulieris Dignitatem, the first letter written exclusively for women. It has been my experience that women have been brought to tears during my talks about women's God-given gifts and dignity while speaking about it and quoting from Pope John Paul II's beautiful affirming words.
(On the set of "Faith & Culture" with the American delegates who are in the four part series)For more information about Colleen Carroll Campbell's show, "Faith & Culture" you may
go to Colleen's website.
"Faith & Culture" is scheduled to air throughout August!(Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time and Wednesdays at 11 p.m. Eastern Time). If you don't have EWTN, you can also watch the shows on the Internet at those times. They will also eventually re-air on radio.
Here are the dates you can expect to see the shows on TV:
August 3 and 6: Women's Round table on Mulieris Dignitatem; episode one (Dale, Genevieve, Elizabeth)
August 10 and 13: Women's Round table on Mulieris Dignitatem; episode two (Dale, Genevieve, Teresa)
August 17 and 20: Women's Round table on Mulieris Dignitatem; episode three (Genevieve, Elizabeth, Donna)
August 24 and 27: Women's Round table on Mulieris Dignitatem; episode four (Teresa, Donna, Elizabeth)
After finishing up a full day of taping for the series, I had the treat of being in the studio audience of the "Life on the Rock" show in which Teresa Tomeo and Colleen Carroll Campbell were the guests. Fr. Mark and Doug Barry of RADIX (new to the show and a GREAT addition) did a wonderful job moderating and discussing our cultural climate today. I have to say that Teresa and Colleen did a brilliant job in expressing their concerns about the culture today; pointing out several areas to watch out for as well as some things we can do to help.

Some of us were able to spend some time together after the show and had a bite to eat. Teresa, Colleen, and I stayed up much too late that night because we embraced the time we had together, staying at the Madonna House at EWTN in Birmingham; catching up and discussing many issues. All the while knowing that morning would come quickly and both Teresa and Colleen had early flights out and I had a show to tape. I felt like the "Mother Hen" who every so often would say, "We'd better get to bed." But we didn't get to bed until it was the wee hours of the morning! So much to talk about and so little time!
The following morning, I had to be up bright eyed for my show with the very gracious, Doug Keck for an EWTN "Book Mark" series in which we discussed all of my books:
Prayerfully Expecting: A Nine Month Novena for Mothers-To-Be, Catholic Prayer Book For Mothers, The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home, and
Catholic Saints Prayer Book, my newest book. This show will be aired sometime in the near future and when I know for sure, I will let you know.

God bless you!