Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Blessings of Faith

I found this very nice reflection at Catholic Exchange. I recommend you read the entire article. :)

"Ahaz, king of Judah, did not exercise his leadership over the southern kingdom in a way that was pleasing to the Lord. Isaiah, the prophet, attempted on numerous occasions to call him back from his wandering ways, that is, to be faithful to the covenant and to seek guidance from the Lord as he ruled over God's people.

This Sunday's first reading includes Isaiah's invitation to the king to ask for a sign, a blessing from the Lord, as proof of God's willingness to shepherd his people. Ahaz responds in anger, masking his lack of faith, by saying "I will not ask! I will not tempt the Lord!" Isaiah responds with the famous prophecy: "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall name Him Emmanuel." Ahaz's lack of faith in God prompted a prophetic word that will echo in the hearts of Christians for the rest of eternity.

The king's response to God is sharply contrasted with St. Joseph's in this week's Gospel. Joseph faces a heart wrenching predicament: he is married to a uniquely wonderful woman who is pregnant, and he knows that he is not the biological father. Since he is a "righteous man," he chooses to... (Continued here at Catholic Exchange)

1 comment:

daisy1 said...

New at this; Trial and error. Very frustrating. So many trist and turns just to post a message. The lesson here is How much patience can you muster up in a confused situation with your head turning one way and your body turning the other way. I tryed to stand up on my own two feet but the spiril takes over. Get it.