Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Fourth!

Here is an article from the National Catholic Register about the Fourth of July and America in which our own Fr. James Farfaglia (my friend whose Sunday homilies I feature here at Daily Donna-Marie) is quoted. Read and enjoy the holiday...stay safe!

"Patriotic feelings run high on the Fourth of July. So does the urge to thank God for our country — in song.

As well we should. Three perennial favorites, in particular, are as at home closing the liturgy as they are leading the parade. “America the Beautiful” and “America” (also known as “My Country, ’Tis of Thee”) are included in the St. Michael Hymnal. Along with “God Bless America,” they are often used as the recessional hymn on or near patriotic holidays.

Hearing the opening lyrics of “America the Beautiful” puts a lump in many an American throat. The only thing that should top the patriotic feeling is the refrain that changes its patriotic prayer slightly with each repetition: America! America! God shed His grace on thee / And crowned thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea … God mend thine ev’ry flaw; Confirm thy soul in self control, thy liberty in law!"

Read entire article here.


Ebeth said...

Hey Donna-Marie! Come check out the Catholic Carnival....

Climbing for America!

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle said...

Thanks, Ebeth for the invite! I will check it out. I am hosting one for next week, I hope you'll consider submitting something on Summer Mothering.

God bless!