Tuesday, June 5, 2007

What is Ordinary Time?

Fr. Mike MacInnis, OFM (my pastor) tells us, "Ordinary Time, meaning ordered or numbered time, is celebrated in two segments: from the Monday following the Baptism of Our Lord up to Ash Wednesday; and from Pentecost Monday to the First Sunday of Advent. This makes it the largest season of the Liturgical Year. Vestments are usually green, the color of hope and growth, the Church counts thirty-three or thirty-four Sundays of Ordinary Time, inviting her children to meditate upon the whole mystery of Christ - his life, miracles and teachings - in the light of his Resurrection, Sunday by Sunday, the Pilgrim Church marks her journey through tempos annun as she processes through time toward eternity."

So, as we are embarking this "Ordinary Time," let's be mindful to keep the Easter mystery alive in our "domestic churches" focusing on the mysteries of Christ which are revealed to us in the weekly Readings. Let us strive to apply the Readings to our lives within our families, praying that we will bear much fruit to further the Kingdom!

During our summer months, hopefully filled with some respite, playful fun with our families and relaxation let us live in God's graces wherever we may be, so that we will be an extraordinary example to those around us in this Ordinary Time!

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