Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fr. James's Sunday Homily

"This Sunday’s passage from the Gospel helps us to understand stewardship. We are all given a part of the vineyard to cultivate. God gives us a part of the vineyard because he trusts us. God gives us a vocation and a mission. He gives us gifts that enable us to complete our purpose in this life and reach eternal life. Our journey takes place within the mysterious gift of freedom that God bestows upon every human person. We are called to love him freely. This means that we can also reject God.

As living members of the Church, we are each responsible for the part of the vineyard that has been entrusted to us. In the parable, we find that the vineyard has come equipped with everything that is necessary: the hedge, the wine press, and the tower. These elements make the work of the cultivators easy to accomplish. Thus God not only has entrusted us with a mission, he has also given us the means to fulfill the mission. The sacraments provide us with all of the graces that we need to fulfill the duties that correspond to our state in life. Our personal gifts and talents enable us to carry out and develop our particular daily tasks.

Most of people who worship on Sunday at their parish church are married and have children. The parish is a family comprised of many families. The parish must be at the service of the family. Especially today, when there are so many difficulties and dangers for family life, most particularly today, parishes must do all that they can to help families be family..." (Continued here)

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