Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fr. James's Daily Homily

Dear Friends,

Please take a few moments to read Fr. James's Daily Homily which is about his experience yesterday at his local abortion clinic in which the police were involved...

America at the crossroads

"I am back online today with a daily homily. Yesterday, I was unable to provide an online daily homily because the time that I had allotted for this kind of apostolate was lost at the local abortion clinic.

For almost two years, I have been leading the Rosary at the local abortion clinic every Tuesday morning at 9:30 AM. A nutritive group of wonderful people, young and old, join me for this weekly pro-life apostolate. Presently, other parishes have been taking turns during the week for the 40 Days Campaign. The increased presence at the clinic is causing the son of the abortion doctor to become quite angry and frustrated. Moreover, vivid pro-life signs facing the busy street are making him quite upset. The son of the abortion doctor is the business manager of the clinic and he is losing business. Abortions are down. Last week, there was not a single abortion at the clinic. This is a huge difference compared to the 40 - 50 abortions that were going on there prior to January, 2007..." (Continued here)

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