Tuesday, October 6, 2009

An encouraging update on A. J. - the girl we have been praying for

This is from A. J.'s neighbor, the woman who has been keeping us updated.


"Well, you are all miracle workers.

About three weeks ago, we didn't know if we were about to say goodbye to this glorious child. Hearts were breaking everywhere. Neighbors could not speak without collapsing into tears. Her parents could not be consoled. (Her mom is a longtime ER nurse/dad is Oprah's technical director.)

A.J. came home from the hospital a week ago. Slowly, miraculously, she got better and better. Her heart suddenly began to work better, and then on its own. Her kidneys got strong enough so that she only has to come in for dialysis three times a week, but not remain hooked up to wires and tubes of panic at CMH 24 hours a day.

She is devastated that they will not allow her to return to school. She is being tutored at home until she receives the H1N1 vaccine later this month. I personally think that some of A.J.'s weeping (completely out of character for her) is due to the fact that she is on Cytoxan for the Wegener's Disease. It is a strong chemo drug (I've been on it) and it does a number on the hormones. So, we are all trying to be as comforting and patient as we can. The poor kid just wanted to start high school with all of her friends--but she has kept up so well from a hospital bed that she will stay in all of her honors classes. She is amazing, and so are all of you. Keep those prayers coming, and thank you for saving our girl. Still, she has a long road ahead."

Thank you everyone, for your prayers!

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