Poll: 23 Percent to Donate to Breast Cancer Research, Funds Go to Abortion Biz
by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
October 8, 2009
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A new poll finds that 23 percent of Americans plan to donate money to go to support breast cancer research. But what these donors may not understand is a portion of what they give to the Komen for the Cure organization may wind up supporting the Planned Parenthood abortion business.
A new Rasmussen survey released today shows 23% of adults plan to donate money toward breast cancer research this month.
Another 60 percent have no plans to donate while 17 percent are unsure whether they will contribute.
The Rasmussen poll showed 39 percent of Americans plan to purchase pink products from groups like Komen and another 9 percent say they will participate in a charity walk such as the Race for the Cure.
When they support Komen, Americans may not be aware that Komen's own figures show it gave $711,485 from April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006 to Planned Parenthood abortion businesses and at least $726,445 for 2006-2007.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure spokeswoman Rebecca Gibson previously confirmed that at least 19 of the 122 Komen affiliates made grants totaling $374,253 to Planned Parenthood during the 2005-2006 fiscal year.
The amount of the grants from Komen affiliates to Planned Parenthood appears to be on the rise and 25 Komen affiliates now have a partnership with the abortion business.
Since then, the grants have continued.
In April, the Denver Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure awarded a $35,970 grant to Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, which runs multiple abortion businesses in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.
In June,
Komen for the Cure teamed up with Planned Parenthood of Idaho and provided the abortion facility with funding.
Komen officials have dismissed the grants saying they are for breast cancer screenings, but pro-life advocates say the money is fungible and that it frees up funds Planned Parenthood could use for breast screenings but instead uses on abortions.
Jim Sedlak, a representative of the watchdog group STOPP previously said the numbers are concerning given that millions of pro-life Americans will participate in Komen events and donate to the group.
"More and more people are speaking up about the fact that Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a breast cancer research foundation, supports Planned Parenthood," Sedlak told LifeNews.com last year.
He pointed to studies showing abortion increases a woman's chances of contracting breast cancer and said that makes the donations extremely questionable.
"The fact that Komen Affiliates give money to Planned Parenthood contradicts Komen’s claim that it works to end breast cancer," Sedlak said. "This is ridiculous and must stop."
Sedlak urged pro-life advocates to disassociate themselves with any Komen events until the organization's affiliates stop giving money to the abortion business.
He also urged pro-life people to make Planned Parenthood's pro-abortion mission clear to Komen officials and event participants.
Donations during the 2006-2007 fiscal year from Komen affiliates to Planned Parenthood abortion businesses include:
PP of Texas Capital Region received $62,886 from the Austin Komen Affiliate.
PP of Idaho received $15,000 from the Boise Komen Affiliate.
PP Association of the Mercer Area received $20,000 from the Central and South Jersey Komen Affiliate.
PP of Albuquerque received $30,000 from the Central New Mexico Komen Affiliate.
PP of Sandoval received $15,000 from the Central New Mexico Komen Affiliate.
PP of New Mexico received $60,000 from the Central New Mexico Komen Affiliate.
PP of Northern New York received $2,000 from the Central New York Komen Affiliate.
PP of Central Texas received $45,000 from the Central Texas Komen Affiliate.
PP of the Rocky Mountains received $7,163 from the Denver Metropolitan Komen Affiliate.
PP in El Paso received $5,410 from the El Paso Komen Affiliate.
PP in Grand Rapids received $14,661 from the Grand Rapids Komen Affiliate.
PP in Greater Amarillo received $11,500 from the Greater Amarillo Komen Affiliate.
PP of Nassau County received $75,000 from the Greater New York City Komen Affiliate.
PP in Madison received $30,000 from the Madison Komen Affiliate.
PP of Wisconsin received $42,077 from the Milwaukee Komen Affiliate.
PP in Milwaukee received $13,143 from the Milwaukee Komen Affiliate.
PP in Triangle received -$317 from the North Carolina Triangle Komen Affiliate.
PP Health Systems received $21,000 from the North Carolina Triangle Komen Affiliate.
PP in North Texas received $32,400 from the North Texas Komen Affiliate.
PP of Orange and San Bernardino Counties received $90,805 from the Orange County Komen Affiliate.
PP of Delaware received $39,987 from the Philadelphia Komen Affiliate.
PP in Phoenix received $24,850 from the Phoenix Komen Affiliate.
PP of Western Washington received $750 from the Puget Sound Komen Affiliate.
PP of San Antonio received $31,496 from the San Antonio Komen Affiliate.
PP of West Palm Beach, Florida received $36,000 from the South Florida Komen Affiliate.